File Complaint - Karen
To file a complaint against an attorney please complete the attached form and mail it to: Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board 445 Minnesota Street Suite 2400 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2139
Complaints must be in writing, signed by the person making the complaint and should include copies of any documents which would explain or substantiate your complaint. All complaints must be mailed, faxed or delivered to the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility. Effective July 1, 2010, complaints may be filed online by clicking the link below. Please note, however, that if supporting documents are to be submitted with the complaint, the documents must be mailed to the above address. Supporting documents cannot be submitted electronically. When we receive your complaint, you will receive a letter from us in approximately two weeks informing you how your complaint will be handled. Either our Office or a District Ethics Committee (DEC) handles those matters which are investigated. Most complaints are first referred to the DEC. The DEC appoints an investigator. The investigator contacts the attorney and the complainant (if more information is necessary), and makes a recommendation to the Director. In all cases, we are required to send a copy of the complaint to the complained against lawyer even if we decide not to investigate the complaint. The investigation usually takes at least three months or longer. You will be notified of the final disposition in writing.